The Prizes

Prizes in Eco Empires: compete, conquer, and claim rour rewards

In the exciting world of Eco Empires, victory not only brings glory but also rewards! Each Game Round presents an opportunity for players to compete for a variety of prizes, ranging from tangible assets to exclusive virtual items. Here's everything you need to know about the prizes you can win in Eco Empires:

Prize Pool Before the start of each Game Round, the Eco Empires staff determines the prize pool. This pool may include Euros, US Dollars, $CBY tokens(Carbify's utility-token), Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), or even special merchandise. However, it's essential to note that the distribution of prizes is always at the discretion of the Eco Empires staff, as outlined in our Terms of Service.

Diverse Goals, Diverse Prizes Prizes in Eco Empires are awarded for achieving various in-game goals, each contributing to the overall excitement and competitiveness of the gaming experience. These goals are set before the commencement of a Game Round, ensuring players have clear objectives to strive for. While the ultimate winner of the Endgame secures the grand prize, there are numerous other opportunities to claim rewards.

Examples of Prize-Winning Goals:

  • Endgame Champion: The player or Guild that holds control of the Endurium Tree for the longest cumulative time wins the grand prize.

  • Individual Achievements: Prizes may be awarded to individual players based on various accomplishments, such as conquering the most land plots, amassing the largest army, or achieving significant milestones within the game.

  • Community Contribution: Players who actively contribute to the community through assistance, collaboration, or leadership may be recognized with special prizes.

  • Special Recognition: Unique categories like "The Unluckiest Player" or other unconventional achievements may also warrant prizes, adding an element of fun and unpredictability to the prize distribution process. Unlike the prizes mentioned above, Special Recognition prizes are determined solely by the Eco Empires' staff after a Game Round has concluded.

Join the Competition Participating in Eco Empires isn't just about conquering territories and expanding your empire; it's also about seizing the opportunity to win exciting prizes!

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