Game Rounds

Discover the thrill of new beginnings and ultimate victories

Eco Empires operates through a system of Game Rounds, offering an ever-refreshing experience with a clear beginning and end. Each Game Round is a unique journey where players build their empires, strategize, and compete for supremacy. At the end of each Game Round, the ultimate objective is to conquer and defend the Endurium Tree for ultimate victory. This cyclical structure allows for continuous engagement and opportunities for new players to join competitive rounds.

For more information about the endgame and the Endurium Tree, please visit here.

Standard Rounds (~8 weeks)

  • Round A: Starts on the 1st of every month.

  • Round B: Starts on the 15th of every month.

Speed Rounds (~4 weeks)

  • Speed Round A: Starts on the 1st of every month.

  • Speed Round B: Starts on the 15th of every month.

Speed Rounds offer a fast-paced experience with:

  • All unit training, building upgrade, and travel times reduced by 50%.

  • Resource generation rates increased by 50%.

Epic Rounds (~6 months)

  • Epic Round A: Starts on January 1st.

  • Epic Round B: Starts on June 1st.

Example Schedule for New Players

Joining Date: March 10th

Options Available:

  • Standard Round A: Started on March 1st, currently 10 days in.

  • Standard Round B: Starting on March 15th.

  • Speed Round A: Started on March 1st, currently 10 days in.

  • Speed Round B: Starting on March 15th.

  • Epic Round A: Started on January 1st, ongoing.

  • Epic Round B: Starts June 1st.

For a full list of available and upcoming Game Rounds, please follow this link.

Annual Game Rounds

With approximately 50 Game Rounds per year, there are always new opportunities to join and compete. The prize pools for each round are determined by the number of players and are always at the discretion of Carbify, as per our Terms of Service.

For more details about the prize structure, please read more here.

Last updated